
Concert tour last is Tokyo

BiS, February, tour in Osaka notes of fairy!Concert tour last is Tokyo, ryogokukokugikan!
last avex more dignified and imposing the debut album IDOL is, first bombs "die" best.Released in January 9th this year, DOROTHY LITTLE HAPPY GET YOU "collaboration" debut recording from seventh variants of the idol group, BiS.The March Tokyo, Ryogokukokugikan one-man· raivu held deciding them, this is the same one-man travel · finally began in February of Osaka notes Xian tour held published!

March 16th (Saturday) the Ryogokukokugikan until February 1st (gold), Nagoya, February 3rd (Sendai day), February 9th (soil) in Sapporo, February 16th (soil) and tour Osaka rotary side.The atmosphere around the country, one-man more beautiful things guide![] Association reported "ASOBISYSTEM - fifth, ANNIVERSARY - 'decision to hold!Super Deluxe artists gathered!In cancer group. Inc, women's limited held activities!The leader of the BiS, general · Louis 24 hours endurance 100 km marathon again and again!In the USTREAM BiS and Dorothy Little Happy, another song concert disclosed for the first time!DOROTHY LITTLE HAPPY, media debut, Ryogokukokugikan survey
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