
Mark Cuban: Nokia Lumia 920 ‘crushes’ the iPhone 5

Mark Cuban: Nokia Lumia 920 ‘crushes’ the iPhone 5

In the eyes of outspoken?entrepreneur Mark Cuban, the battle for smartphone?supremacy?has been fought and won… by Nokia (NOK). While hosting an AMA session on Reddit — a series of posts where the original poster instructs Reddit users to “Ask Me Anything” — Cuban, who famously sold Broadcast.com to Yahoo (YHOO) for around $5 billion at the height of the dot-com boom, was asked what kind of laptop he uses. “I have a MacBook Air, but am trying the new Acer with Windows 8?[laptop],” wrote Cuban. “I really, really like Windows 8 on my phone. I have [two] phones. First is Samsung?(005930) the [second] was an iPhone 5. The new Nokia with windows replaced my iPhone 5.” When asked to elaborate, Cuban said that the Lumia 920 “crushes the iPhone 5. Not even close.”

[More from BGR: Microsoft Surface trampled at the bottom of the tablet pile this Christmas]

This article was originally published by BGR

